Office 2016 Mac Not Working

'You need to activate Office for Mac within X days' after activating already. Microsoft is aware of and currently working on this issue. If you've activated Office for Mac 2016 but are still seeing a message that says 'You need to activate Office for Mac within X days,' please try these steps to resolve your issue: Run the License Removal Tool. Office 2016 does work. That it doesn't for you suggests you've never applied any updates. It was originally 32 bit software and MS updated the entire thing to 64 bit quite a while ago. Download the 16.16.14 updateand install it.

I have a MacBook Pro with Yosemite 10.10.4. I also have an Office 365 subscription and recently saw that I could upgrade to Office 2106. There was no advice visible to uninstall Office 2011 first, and in fact I worried about doing so in case the 2016 didn't work properly.

So I downloaded Office 2016, which installed itself alongside the 2011 without overwriting it. Then I saw a message to uninstall 2011, which I did.

Download office 2016 mac

Everything seems to work ok EXCEPT that Word documents (I don't know about Excel) no longer recognise Times New Roman fonts. It still says TNR in the font box at the top of the document, but the font on screen defaults to Calibri or some other sans serif font.

I need to use TNR for work purposes so telling me to use another one is not helpful. I had never had a problem with it in Office 2011.

In searches I've seen that other people have had the same problem with Office for Mac 2016 but none of the solutions given seem to exactly match what I see on my screen so I want to ask again. For one thing, I'm confused about the different Font folders in my Mac – I have both a Fonts and a Fonts Disabled folder in the main Library (alt-Go from Finder) with two sets of lists of Fonts, and also Fonts and Fonts Disabled folders in the Library reached from Macintosh HD with lists that are different. And in Font Book the lists are different again.

Also, Times New Roman still shows up on my computer in Font Book, as an active font, and in the Fonts Disabled folder in Macintosh HD/Library (all ttf fonts). I have seen on one site that Office for 2011 disabled certain Apple ttf fonts (including TNR) and replaced them with its own in a Microsoft fonts folder. As part of uninstalling 2011 I had to trash this folder, but Office 2016 doesn't seem to have replaced it with an equivalent version of TNR.


DOES THIS MEAN that if I do something as simple as move the Times New Roman.ttf out of the Macintosh HD/Library/Fonts Disabled folder and into the Fonts folder next to it this could restore TNR in Office 2016? I didn't want to try it without asking for any suggestions first.

Buy Office 2016 For Mac

As to the contradictions between the different Font folders and Font Book any suggestions would be helpful too, but for me this is a less urgent question since the other fonts, wherever they appear, seem to work.

Many thanks in advance for any orientation,

Microsoft Office 2016 Not Working On Mac Catalina

Nick Rider

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.4)


Office 2016 Mac

Posted on Oct 6, 2015 4:01 AM