Redis Client Mac Os X


By using Homebrew, you greatly reduce the cost of setting up and configuring the development environment on Mac OS X. After installation. Install redis: (macOS) $ brew update $ brew install redis. After installation, you will probably see some notification about some warnings on. Mac(os x): Is there a way to install ONLY redis-cli? Ask Question Asked 4 years, 3 months ago. Active 2 months ago. Viewed 71k times 84. And redis client connected, redis REPL shell was activated. Share improve this answer follow answered Aug 26 '20 at 18:11. In this article, we will be installing Redis data store on Windows and Mac OS. While installing Redis on Windows, we will be using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows application to set up the Redis locally. In the mac system, we will be using Homebrew as well as.tar file to install it.

In this article I will explain how you can:

  1. Install and Configure Memcached on Mac OS X
  2. Use Memcached in your Java Application

I won’t go in too much detail about the benefits of using a distributed cache in your applications, but let’s at least provide some use cases for applications that are running in the context of an enterprise portal, eXo Platform in my case - surprising isn’t? And I will show this in another post.

We have many reasons to use a cache (distributed or not), in the context of enterprise portal, let’s take a look to some of these reasons:

  • A portal is used to aggregate data in a single page. These data could come from different sources : Web Services, Database, ERP, ….. and accessing the data in real time could be costly. So it will be quite interesting to cache the result of the call when possible.
  • If the portal is used to aggregate many data from many sources, it is sometime necessary to jump into another application to continue some operation. A distributed and shared cache could be used to manage some context between different applications running in different processes (JVM or even technologies)These are two example where a shared cache could be interesting for your portal based applications, we can find many other reason.

Note that the Portlet API (JSR-286) contains already a cache mechanism that cache the HTML fragment, and that eXo Platform also provide a low level cache, based on JBoss Cache.

Installation and Configuration

Installing Memcached from sources

You can find some information about Memcached installation on the Memcached Wiki. The following steps are the steps that I have used on my environment.

As far as I know, Memached is not available as package for Mac OS X. I am still on Snow Leopard (10.6.8), and I have installed XCode and all development tools. I have use the article “Installing memcached 1.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard” from For simplicity reason I have duplicate the content and updated to the latest releases.

1- Create a working directory :

2- Install libevent that is mandatory for memcached

3- Install memcached

Go back to your install directory (memcachedbuild)

You are now ready to use memcached that is available at /usr/local/bin/memcached.

This allows you to avoid changing to the pre-installed memcached located in /usr/bin, if you want to replace it instead of having you own install, just run the configure command with the following parameter: ./configure --prefix=/usr

Starting and testing Memcached

Start the memcached server, using the following command line:

This command starts the memcached server as demon (-d parameter), on the TCP port 11211 (this is the default value). You can find more about the memcached command using man memcached.

It is possible to connect and test your server using a telnet connection. Once connected you can set and get object in the cache, take a look to the following paragraph.

The set command allows you to put a new value in the cache using the following syntax:

  • key : the key used to store the data in the cache
  • flags : a 32 bits unsigned integer that memcached stored with the data
  • expiration_time : expiration time in seconds, if you put 0 this means no delay
  • number_if_bytes : number of bytes in the data block
  • noreply : option to tell the server to not return any value
  • value : the value to store and associate to the key.

This is a short view of the documentation located in your source directory /memcachedbuild/memcached-1.4.10/doc/protocol.txt.

The get command allows you to access the value that is associated with the key.

You can check the version of memcahed you are running by calling the stats command in your telnet session.

Redis Client Mac Os X High Sierra

Your memcached server is up and running, you can now start to use it inside your applications.

Simple Java Application with Memcached

The easiest way to use memcached from your Java applications is to use a client library. You can find many client libraries. In this example I am using spymemcached developped by the people from Couchbase.

1- Adding SpyMemcached to your Maven project

Add the repository to you pom.xml (or you setting.xml)

then the dependency to your pom.xml

2- Use SpyMemcache client in your application

The following code is a simple Java class that allows you to enter the key and the value and set it in the cache.

So when executing the application you will see something like :

You can also access the object from a Telnet session:

You can use any Java class in your application, the only thing to do is to make this class serializable.

This is it for the first post about memcached and Java, I am currently working on a small example integrating Web Services call, Portlets and memcached.


CockroachDB is an up and coming database technology that is focused on building SQL databases that can be distributed across multiple machines. NoSQL hit the scene to solve this exact problem but lost a lot of the advantages that come with SQL. CockroachDB allows businesses to scale up quickly, rebalance nodes, and repair data conflicts all built into the database engine. CockroachDB is a brand new tech that is comparable to Google’s Spanner database technology.

Many software companies that are familiar with the traditional SQL databases but whose dataset is growing too quickly for a single machine are looking at NewSQL technologies like CockroachDB to grow their companies. Since it is a new technology you’ll want to experiment with CockroachDB and in this tutorial we will show you how to install CockroachDB on Mac OS X.

We’ll show the commands step-by-step and explain what each command is doing but if you just want to see the commands scroll to the buttom for the Just The Commands section.


  • For this tutorial all you’ll have to know is how to access the Terminal because we’ll be installing CockroachDB via the Command Line.ß

1. Download the Binary Tar File

First we’ll be downloading the binary file so we’ll want to download it into a directory like ~/Downloads or a directory where you feel comfortable downloading. First we’ll go to our ~/Downloads folder:

cd ~/Downloads

The next step is to download the CockroachDB binary archive file and extract it. Run this next command in your terminal:

curl | tar -xJ

NOTE: This command is actually two commands separated by the |. The first command uses curl to make a http request to to request the binary file. The second tar -xJ extracts the compressed file.

We have successfully downloaded the binary tar file.

2. Copy the Binary into your PATH

The next step is to copy the binary from the previous step into your PATH so you can execute cockroach commands easily in the Terminal. We need to copy it into your /usr/local/bin where OS X looks for binaries to execute. Execute the following command in the Terminal:

cp -i cockroach-v19.1.0.darwin-10.9-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin

If you get any permission denied errors you’ll need to run the same command prefixed with sudo and enter your password when prompted. Sudo gives you admin access which is sometimes needed. Here is the command if the previous command gave you permission denied errors:

sudo cp -i cockroach-v19.1.0.darwin-10.9-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin

These commands use the cp command, which copies files and directories from one destination to another.

You won’t see any success messages, but if you don’t get any errors then consider it a success.

3. Verify by Starting CockroachDB

Finally we’ll start CockroachDB to confirm everything was installed correctly. We’ll run cockroach on localhost and in insecure mode because we are running a production environment.ßß

cockroach start --insecure --listen-addr=localhost

Here is the output we saw and you should see something similar letting you know that your first CockroachDB cluster is up and running on localhost.

*- Your cluster is open for any client that can access localhost.
*- Any user, even root, can log in without providing a password.
*- Any user, connecting as root, can read or write any data in your cluster.
*- There is no network encryption nor authentication, and thus no confidentiality.
* Check out how to secure your cluster:
CockroachDB node starting at 2019-05-07 20:01:26.565128+0000 UTC (took 0.3s)
build: CCL v19.1.0 @2019/04/2918:31:15(go1.11.6)
webui: http://localhost:8080
sql: postgresql://root@localhost:26257?sslmode=disable
client flags: cockroach <client cmd>--host=localhost:26257--insecure
temp dir:/Users/alexthompson/Downloads/cockroach-data/cockroach-temp674995833
external I/O path:/Users/alexthompson/Downloads/cockroach-data/extern
store[0]: path=/Users/alexthompson/Downloads/cockroach-data
status: initialized new cluster
clusterID: b9421d9c-5322-47fe-b184-d547683ba386

Redis Client Mac Os X 10.8


Redis client mac os x high sierra

In this tutorial we showed you how to install CockroachDB on your Mac OS X. We hope you’ll experiment with CockroachDB to determine if it is a good fit for your application.

Just The Commands

curl | tar -xJ
cp -i cockroach-v19.1.0.darwin-10.9-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin

OR`jssudo cp -i cockroach-v19.1.0.darwin-10.9-amd64/cockroach /usr/local/bin```js
cockroach start --insecure --listen-addr=localhost